The region invests heavily in ASSAR Labs

Region Västra Götaland, together with industry, is investing SEK 16 million in a Next Generation Laboratory (NGL) environment in power electronics and new electric motor concepts. The current project will complement the physical environment Assar Industrial Innovation Arena in Skövde.

The ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena is an important publicly funded innovation platform. The ASSAR meeting place itself provides the opportunity to explore new technologies, new research and new solutions for industry. Here, companies can take part in activities that strengthen the company while contributing their own expertise. Assar Lab's vision is to be a competence center for research and development of production processes for electric powertrains within Assar. The mission is to provide an arena for production processes, research and development cooperation between industry, academia and subcontractors of components to industry. With ASSAR Labs, Skövde and Skaraborg become a hub for sustainable production of electrified powertrains and through the project the environment will strengthen the competence of companies in the region and the next generation of industrial production.

- ASSAR Labs is the place where companies can meet and work on joint development and knowledge building on new manufacturing methods for future electrified powertrains. This includes connecting large companies with suppliers and academia and developing efficient production processes throughout the value chain. It is fantastic that it is now decided to support this initiative further so that ASSAR Labs can continue to support companies in West Sweden to remain competitive in the rapid technology shift," says Leif Pehrsson, CEO, IDC West Sweden AB.

- The regional development mission is about how we as an industrial region have the opportunity to influence our future, here in this project, by supporting initiatives that are in line with the skills needs of the sustainable industry and industrial jobs of the future.
The project increases the opportunities for us to become internationally competitive with an industry that specializes in sustainability, says Madeleine Jonsson (MP), Chairman of the Environment and Regional Development Committee, VGR.

Read more about ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena >>

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