Young voices are valuable in Skövde. So valuable that the municipality has appointed youth municipal development officers to have their say in development of issues relating to their age group.
Ponthus van Lith and Alina Menkovic began working for Skövde Municipality as a summer job, with the purpose of creating meaningful leisure activities for young people. They have since applied to be youth municipal development officers and now spend around 20 hours per month working on this – one of their tasks is designing the new youth centre Kulturlabbet.
“The thing about Kulturlabbet is that it should be a place where you dare to try things you haven’t done before. Everyone should feel welcome whatever their interests and it should feel a safe place,” says Ponthus.

Time for a new level
The elegant and historic Eric Uggla building is where the young people will be able to meet up and get creative, with spaces designed to be flexible to suit their needs.
“We will work with clubs and societies and study associations to offer the youngsters music, theatre and other creative programmes. Kulturlabbet will also serve as a talent hub for the University and Gothia Science Park with regard to game development and digital culture,” says Petra Abelsson Smedberg, Head of the Mötesplatser för unga (Meeting places for young people) unit.
Let´ s connect
How does it feel to be involved and help shape the municipality’s activities as a youth municipal development officer? Really great, in the opinion of both Ponthus and Alina. After all, who wouldn’t want to get involved in important issues that affect their own everyday life and reality?