It turned out to be a good thing that Carl Erik Josef Nyberg felt it took too long to change compressed air tools and that their performance was poor when working at Miloverkstaden Skövde in the mid 1950s. Then as now, Skövde is good at transforming ideas and innovations into products and companies. Naturally Carl Erik had a solution to his problem, so he obtained a patent for his idea and set up CEJN – a company that now has 350 employees.
Couplings that will withstand very high pressure for hydraulic applications – does that sound complicated? Well, it is, and consequently CEJN’s headquarters in Skövde is home to a large team with specialist expertise.
“Product development takes place here in Skövde and we have 17 sales companies throughout the world,” says CEJN’s CEO Marcus Allerbjer, who is the grandson of Carl.
Explore and move forward
So, who uses hydraulic applications? They are needed in the manufacturing industry, within agriculture and the maritime industry in Asia, as well as by emergency services. New areas of use for CEJN’s products include wind power and electric cars, where the need for fast charging is increasing.
“Fast charging requires efficient cooling, and that’s where we come in,” says Marcus.
Why is a company as successful as CEJN staying put in Skövde? Could it be because the people are friendly and there is plenty of space, clean air and natural beauty? Undoubtedly! But Marcus thinks it’s also to do with the positive cooperation within the business community in Skövde, proximity and good infrastructure.