Now it's time to inaugurate the new Welcome House in Skövde - the meeting place where newcomers, visitors, Skövde residents, Skaraborg residents and the curious can get tips, guidance and valuable contacts. Wednesday, September 11 from 16-18 is the time and everyone who wants is welcome to join the celebration.
Welcome House Skövde is the meeting place where new residents or those who are curious about Skövde can get tips, guidance and valuable contacts for creating your new life in Skövde. You can ask questions about housing, the labor market, education, school, childcare, leisure activities and other community services.
The Welcome House also organizes career programmes for international migrants and welcome evenings. As a job seeker, you can get help with your CV and later on, language lunches will be held at Welcome House in Skövde.
Welcome to connect and explore!