Fast facts about Skövde
- Skövde has 57 500 inhabitants. 22 000 more inhabitants than the Swedish average.
- 30 min to Hornborgasjön or to Sweden's largest lakes Vänern and Vättern
- Based on turnover, Skövde is Sweden's largest game development municipality after Stockholm.
- Two of the world's most modern engine factories are located in Skövde.
- Military town with several regiments.
- Elite handball teams - both male and female.
- Sweden's first cultural center, completed in 1964.
- This is where cultural personalities Robert Gustafsson, Jessica Andersson and Thomas G:son come from.
- Best Adventure Pool several years in a row.
- Sweden's largest preserved gold treasure, the Timboholm Treasure, was found here.
- The average age in Skövde is 40.9 years. This is lower than the Swedish average of 41.6 years.
- The median income in Skövde is SEK 30,000 more than the Swedish average.
- The tax rate is 33.09 %.
- The proportion of highly educated people in Skövde is 25.8 %. This is 5.8 % higher than the Swedish average.
- 84.4 % of Skövde residents have less than 2 km to public transport.
- 90 % of Skövde residents have access to broadband.
- 77.6 % of Skövde's inhabitants live within 2 km of a grocery store.
- Skövde is located on the edge of the Billingen plateau.
- Billingen - 300,000 visitors a year, not many others have their leisure area in the middle of the city.
- There are over 400 different associations.
- Skaraborg produces 10% of Sweden's staple foods
- Geographical location Two hours by train to Stockholm, one hour to Gothenburg
- Central town in Skaraborg - Within a five-mile radius of Skövde, a quarter of a million people live
- 400 new homes are built here every year
- Skövde is the city in Sweden with the most game developers per capita
- Computer games industry employs 200 professional game developers
- At the University of Skövde there are over 500 computer game students
- The University of Skövde offers the largest range of computer game programs in Northern Europe
- The ASSAR industrial development test arena has attracted over 200 million SEK for research.
Volvo Powertrain, Coffee Stain Studios, InExchange, Länsförsäkringar Skaraborg, Cejn, Furhoffs, Grahns, Aurobay, Parafon and Paroc, Elos MedTech, Rebl Industries, Bricknode, Aptic, Pieces Interactive, Palindrome Interactive, Stunlock Studios, Skövde Municipality, the Swedish Armed Forces, Skaraborg Hospital, the University of Skövde and others.
Smart Industry, Game Development & IT/Tech
Billingen, Skövde Cultural Center, Silverfallen, Vallebygden, Arena Skövde, Lillegården, Balthazar.
Food Festival, Skadevi Cup, Sweden Game Conference, Sweden Outdoor Festival, Skövde City Week, Ulvacupen, Skövde Basketcup, Skövde Film Festival, Funkisfestivalen, Kulturveckan, Vinterkalaset, Regnbågsveckan, Familjedagen på Skövde Kulturhus